After school webinars and workshops to support your school community

WISA are offering webinars and workshops for Staff Wellbeing, Supporting Vulnerable Students and Families, School Principal Wellbeing and Parent/Carer.

Staff Wellbeing


Sessions normally run for 50 minutes but can be tailored depending on your needs.

This will address all the basics of what builds and maintains school staff wellbeing. In response to the challenges presented by a summer of bushfires followed by the pandemic, we will also address disturbed sleep routines and loss, grief, and trauma. Challenges staff are facing will be discussed and inform discussions and the provision of resources and tools.


Workshop 1 Maintaining wellbeing in the face of loss, grief and trauma

Workshop 2 Connectedness and relationships that build social capital

Workshop 3 Effective communication and the critical role of empathy

Workshop 4 A strength-based approach putting values into action

Workshop 5 Your individual wellbeing plan

Supporting Vulnerable Students & Families


Sessions normally run for 50 minutes but can be tailored depending on your needs.

This will address the challenges of supporting the close to 50% of school families who are now experiencing poverty, uncertain future employment, and marginalisation; Strategies to support vulnerable students in response to the current crisis and the challenges they are facing; Raise awareness and provide strategies to address the impact of trauma on students and staff; Schools will receive access to resources, guidance and support for staff, students, and their families in addressing loss, grief and trauma.


Workshop 1 Student and family vulnerability in the face of loss, grief and trauma

Workshop 2 Strategies in addressing loss and grief in students

Workshop 3 Strategies in addressing trauma in students

Workshop 4 School strategies to support families of vulnerable students

Workshop 5 Strategies to prevent, reduce and resolve bullying, including cyberbullying

Outline Principal Wellbeing


Sessions normally run for 50 minutes but can be tailored depending on your needs.

Develop your potential and work more productively and creatively by acknowledging that our own wellbeing is critically important and needs prioritising, especially during challenging times. Address wellbeing across your school community to build stronger and more positive relationships and processes that support a healthy school culture.


Workshop 1Principal self-care. The workshop will provide knowledge and ideas about how to prevent, promote and protect the wellbeing of principals so they can manage increasing demands.

Workshop 2Motivation to lead through times of great uncertainty and challenge

Workshop 3Managing unprecedented levels of change and a school culture of wellbeing

Addressing anxieties in your family arising from COVID19


Sessions normally run for 50 minutes but can be tailored depending on your needs.

This webinar will explore anxiety and how it might play a role in the lives of children, young people and families during times such as a pandemic. While some anxious feelings can be helpful and keep us safe, sometimes anxiety can become a concern. How to respond to anxiety to reduce its impact and help build resilience will be outlined.

Webinar topics will be explored in greater depth in each of the workshops. Australian leading academics or practitioners will share their expertise and resources in short video clips. Issues raised by participants will be addressed.

Book a session

Sessions can be tailored to your schools needs. Individual webinars or workshops can be run as a standalone or as a series of sessions. WISA can also offer district sessions for groups of schools. Cost will be discussed in relation to your choice of session/s. Please contact the relevant state co-ordinator below to find out more and book a session.

TAS, SA and NT

Let's Work Together!

WISA can help tailor training or support to suit your local school or network of schools so please speak to us.

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